BOB at IDS Praha, 29.11.2024, judge breed specialist Ing. Beata Štýbrová

Entered 10 Groenendaels.

The first day of the triple CACIB show in Prague is behind us, and we enjoyed the exhibition very much. Our beautiful Růženka won BOB (Best of Breed) in a very nice competition. We’re so proud of our Belgian beauty ❤.

We need to work on better presenting Desmond, I have to admit. Desmond is a very beautiful dog, and it’s a great pity that he misses out on titles because he doesn’t show as well as he deserves.

We are very grateful for the fair, empathetic, and friendly judging, and for the wonderful words and evaluations from the judge for our dogs. THANK YOU!

Although we are entered for the show tomorrow, we will most likely choose to sleep in 😃, and Desmond will try to improve his showing next year. But on Sunday, we are looking forward to Prague again ❤.