NDS Klatovy 29.6.2024,
Judge: breed specialist Mrs. Alexandra Grygarova
DIAMOND DESMOND Hvezdna laguna – BOB, National Winner ´24, CAC-CMKU, CAC (intermed class)
DANATHEA DADDI Hvezdna laguna – BOS, National Winner ´24, CAC-CMKU, CAC (intermed class)
The last day when our beautiful black dogs could compete in the intermediate class . Desmond, with this exhibition, joined his successful siblings, and as the last one, he received an excellent rating from the specialist
with titles
. All 5 ‘D’ siblings out of 6 (one male is not shown) have an excellent rating with the title from breed specialist, 4 are already champions of beauty, some even multiple times, and I think Desmond will easily achieve his Champion title. A perfect litter of beautiful, typical individuals with great exterior and wonderful temperament. We are very proud of our black furry children.
I thank the judge for the kind and fair assessment, for the beautiful words about our Groenendael dogs, and for the titles we received at the exhibition. Not everyone from the competition (Belgian Shepherds) left with an excellent rating (there were many very good and some good ones as well). I also apologize to her for not waiting with our BOB dog until the finals as she wanted; the long journey was behind us and still ahead. But we will start showing up in the finals, so other judges can appreciate our lovely Groenendael dogs too .
Posledni den, kdy mohli nasi krasni cernosi do mezitridy . Desmond se touto vystavou zaradil ke svym uspesnym sourozencum, a jako posledni ziskal od specialisty vybornou
s tituly
. Vsech 5 „D“ sourozencu z sesti (jeden pejsek neni vystavni) ma od specialisty vybornou s titulem (cekatelstvim), 4 uz jsou ruznymi championy krasy, nekteri i nasobni a Desmond sveho Champika vyjede si myslim velmi lehce. Dokonaly vrh, krasnych typickych jedincu se skvelym exterierem a skvelou povahou. Jsme na nase cerne chlupate deti moc moc pysni.
Dekuji pani rozhodci za mile a korektni posuzovani, za krasna slova k nasim groenendaelum a tituly, ktere jsme na vystavce ziskali. Zdaleka ne vsichni z konkurence (belgickych ovcaku) odchazeli s vybornou (bylo mnoho velmi dobrych a take nejake dobre). Zaroven se ji omlouvam, ze jsem necekala s nasim BOB pejskem do zaverecek jak chtela, dlouha cesta byla za nama a dlouha pred nama. Ale zacneme se ukazovat i v zavereckach, at si i ostatni rozhodci nase moc fajn groeny, muzou prohlednout .
Moc moc moc dekuji Sase a Liborovi (Dog Arabat) za pomoc s drzenim a pak i vystavenim (vyskakanim)
Ruzenky v BOB kruhu
. Diky Libore a Saso, diky moc. Bez Vas a Zuzky Mrni bych si vystavy vubec uz neuzila, jeste, ze jste vsude kde my. Tolik zavisti a neprejicnosti, ktere na vystave a po ni panuji je jen pro silne natury
. Těším se na Vas do Bolky.